Fred Berner

Fred Berner

Playing God by Alan Zweibel
Section 310, Row D, Seats 5 & 6 by Warren Leight, live at BRIC
Happy by Alan Zweibel

Previously for the stage, Fred directed Alan Zweibel’s Happy (2010) and Pine Cone Moment (2013) as part of the annual ‘Summer Shorts Play Festival’ at the 59E59 theater in New York CityTelevision: Executive Producer/Director, Law & Order(s) (NBC-U), Magic City (Starz); Director, Chicago PD (NBC-U); Producer, Speak (Showtime), Hidden in America (Showtime), Without Warning: The James Brady Story (HBO), Bette Midler’s Mondo Beyondo (HBO), Lakota Woman: Siege at Wounded Knee (TNT), Murder in a Small Town (A&E). Film: Producer, Pollock, Vanya on 42nd Street, Straight Talk, The Great White Hype, The Ballad of Little Jo3 Backyards, Miss Firecracker, Handsome Harry.