TASHA WALKS by Kim Merrill

Stephen Boyer and Marsha Mason.png

In the comic TASHA WALKS by Kim Merrill, a young man (Steven Boyer, Tony nominee for Hand to God) returns dejected from his bomb of a vacation with his fiancee who has called the wedding off, to find his neighbor (4 time Academy Award nominee Marsha Mason) has lost his fiancee’s cherished cat. Directed by Brian Mertes and recorded live at BRIC Arts Media House in Downtown Brooklyn. Stay tuned after the performance for a conversation with the artists moderated by Host Claudia Catania.

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MY HUSBAND by Paul Rudnick

After gay marriage is legalized in New York, one mother will stop at nothing to get her son to the altar. By humorist Paul Rudnick (The New Yorker's Shouts & Murmurs), starring Michael Urie ("Ugly Betty") and multiple Tony winner Harriet Harris ("Frasier," "Desperate Housewives"). Directed by Claudia Weill (Girlfriends, HBO's "Girls"). Recorded live. Original music by Tom Kochan. Followed by an interview with cast, playwright and director, moderated by PoA producer Claudia Catania. 

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